Sorelle provided enormous assistance in proofreading a major whitepaper for LawGeex. Sorelle brings clarity and attention to detail. She delivered on the timeline she promised and adapted to a very fast turnaround required on the project. I would recommend Sorelle for any content project.

Jonathan Marciano

Director of Communications at LawGeex

Sorelle is a talented writer. So many talented writers, unfortunately, have trouble with direction and deadlines - Sorelle is a rare gem in that she responds to direction positively, respects deadlines and understands sense of urgency. She is a true professional and I recommend her without hesitation.

Hillary Faverman

Hillary Faverman Communications

Thank you for your enormous contribution to my work!

Rabbi Lord Jonathan Sacks

Former Chief Rabbi of England

Sorelle Weinstein understands the art of communication: between author and editor and between text and reader. The power of my words was enhanced immeasurably by her clarity and aptness of expression.

Edward Abramson

author of Circle in the Square